Symptom Magnification Syndrome: Self-Study & In-Service Training

$ 175.00

The in-service training that Dr. Matheson provides in a workshop format is available in the Symptom Magnification Syndrome (SMS) package. Use it as a self-study or to provide the SMS workshop in your own clinic. The SMS Training Kit includes two hours of PowerPoint Slides narrated by Dr. Matheson, two 30-minute lectures, the SMS  Workshop Casebook, reprints of key research papers, and a one-hour lecture describing  the Goaling Process, all in a 3 CD ROM set.

System/software requirements: Windows: MS Office 97 or later


  1. Two hours of lecture on CD-ROM by Dr. Matheson:  PowerPoint Presentation on SMS
    1. Symptom Magnification Syndrome (SMS): A Modern Tragedy and Its Treatment    
      • Definition and Description of SMS
      • Identification of Symptom Magnification Behavior
      • Treatment of SMS
    2. The Goaling Process: Avoiding & Treating SMS  
      • Goaling Process Rationale
      • Goaling Interview Guidelines
      • The Classic Matheson Interview of "Esther"
  2. PowerPoint Presentation on SMS
  3. PowerPoint SMS Seminar Handouts
  4. Goaling Process Seminar Handouts
  5. Excel Normative Data and Consistency Calculators  
    1. Jamar Hand Dynamometer
    2. B & L Pinch Gauge
    3. EPIC Lift Capacity Test
  6. Functional Capacity Evaluation/ Work Conditioning/ Work Hardening Forms & Procedures  
    1. Symptom Drawing & Standardized Procedures
    2. Productivity Index
    3. Feasibility Evaluation Checklist

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