

In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on development of the scientific basis of functional capacity evaluation (FCE). This has been stimulated by a growing awareness of its utility, and supported by major investments in research by large insurance providers and by state, provincial, and federal governmental agencies such as the United States Social Security Administration. 36 The most important development has been the application of a taxonomic approach to FCE to organize and focus this research. 72 This chapter employs this taxonomic approach, using it to organize both conceptual and applied information. The material presented in this chapter is informed by findings from a research project that was funded by the Social Security Administration 2 (SSA) to develop methods to use information about the patient's functional limitations to improve the SSA disability determination system. In order to render the task manageable within the limitations of a textbook format, this chapter is focused on FCE with persons who have musculoskeletal impairments.

Read the full chapter here!

An Introduction to Executive Dysfunction and Work Disability August 06 2024

Presenter: Len Matheson, PhD
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  • Executive Function Definition and Description
    • Executive functions harness and direct intelligence and other cognitive processing capacities.
    • Dysfunction prevents intelligence from being applied.
  • Scope of the Problem and Emerging Markets
    • Emerging technology such as magnetoencephalography and TBI biomarkers, along with increased visibility of mTBI among troops returning from war create important practice opportunities.

Age and gender normative data for lift capacity August 06 2024

The EPIC Lift Capacity test is a safe and reliable test of lift capacity. Normative data are presented that allow comparison within age and gender categories.