Cognitive Abilities Profiler (CAP)

$ 150.00

The Cognitive Abilities Profiler (CAP) is a macro-enabled ExcelTM workbook that that contains O*NET data on 854 of the most important occupations in the economy and provides profiles of the 10 cognitive abilities required for each occupation.

The CAP can be used to easily expand a transferable skills analysis to include the worker’s cognitive abilities and executive functions. It will help the occupational therapist, vocational evaluator, speech therapist or neuropsychologist in a work-oriented neurorehabilitation program to bridge between the clinic and the workplace. It supports the professional’s ability to interpret all of the team’s data in terms of the demands of work to identify barriers to return to work and needed accommodations.

The CAP provides both Level and Importance scores for the following O*NET abilities: Deductive Reasoning, Fluency of Ideas, Inductive Reasoning, Information Ordering, Oral Comprehension, Originality, Problem Sensitivity, Selective Attention, Time-Sharing, and Written Comprehension. Raw scores are provided for each, as well as Z-scores that allow comparison of the level of ability for each occupation compared with all of the other occupations in the database. The numerical scores are provided and graphs are automatically generated. Both can be copied and pasted into reports and other electronic formats.


  • USB (or electronic delivery) containing ExcelTM macro-enabled file with O*NET abilities data on 854 occupations for the Level and Importance of 10 cognitive abilities
  • Printable, easy to read graphs for interpretation that can be copied and pasted into reports and slideshows.

Features and Benefits

  • Occupational data on 854 professions from Accountants to Zoologists
  • Expands transferable skills analysis into the cognitive domain
  • Easy to use: profiles are generated for the client’s occupation with one mouse click and two key strokes and are ready to include in a report.

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