Executive Function Starter Kit
$ 1,985.00
A savings of $120 when items are purchased as a kit.
The Executive Function Starter Kit includes items to help professionals and clinics get started in cognitive functional capacity evaluations (CFCE). CFCEs assess executive function, which is an integral part of work-oriented neurorehabilitation (WON).
Individuals who may have challenges with executive function include those who have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury or a stroke; such challenges also present in individuals with Asperger's syndrome, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and dementia.
As awareness of the impact these conditions have on executive function continues to grow, so does the need for trained evaluators.
- Progressive Occupational Demand Kit: Doll Chair Assembly Task
- Cognitive Abilities Profiler (CAP)
- Structured Work Activities Upgrade Plus
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