Spinal Function Sort Replacement Answer Pads
$ 100.00
The Spinal Function Sort Score Sheets (also sold in the Spinal Function Sort Kit and California Functional Capacity Evaluation Starter Set) are where the client rates his or her perceived ability. The score sheet provides a 5-point rating that ranges from “Able” to “Restricted” to “Unable”. There is also a sixth rating, which is depicted as “?” and which indicates “I don’t know”. Operational definitions of these adjectives are provided in the standardized instructions in the examiner’s manual.
These score sheets are used in conjunction with the Test Booklets to complete the Sort evaluations. Each pad contains 50 tear-off sheets. On the reverse side of each sheet is the Department of Labor Physical Demand Characteristic chart, which helps to interpret the total score in terms of the demands of various jobs.
- Two pads with 50 score sheets each with Department of Labor Physical Demand Characteristic chart.
- ALSO Available in Spanish
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